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Onam Festival: Celebrating the Vibrant Spirit of Kerala's Harvest

What is special in this festival?

Kerala transforms into a vibrant tapestry of flowers and colors during Onam festival. Recognized as the most lively celebration in Kerala, it sees the entire state come alive with dancing, boating, and general merrymaking over a span of ten days. Onam is celebrated as a harvest festival in the month of Chingam, the first month in the Malayalam calendar, which corresponds to August or September in the English calendar.

The Folk Tale: According to legend, King Mahabali once ruled Kerala with great efficiency but was marked by his ego. To teach him humility, Lord Vishnu disguised himself as a small Brahmin and asked Mahabali for three steps of land. Amused, Mahabali offered more than enough land to accommodate three steps. However, with one step, the Brahmin encompassed the entire world; with his second step, he captured heaven. There was no place left for his third step.

Realizing that it was Lord Vishnu in disguise, Mahabali surrendered and offered his head for Vishnu's final step. With his mission accomplished, Vishnu blessed Mahabali to live eternally and visit his state once a year. This occasion is celebrated as Onam. During this festival, every household in Kerala opens its doors and decorates their entrance with floral mats to welcome King Mahabali.

Palatial Dishes: The Onam festivities last between four to ten days. Atham on the first day and Thiruvonam on the tenth day are particularly significant. Declared a National Festival of Kerala in 1961, Onam’s highlight is a grand feast known as Onasadya. This sumptuous meal is prepared on Thiruvonam and features traditional Kerala dishes served on banana leaves, enhancing their flavor. Family members gather together to pray before enjoying these delicious dishes.

Celebrations: Besides food and prayer, numerous joyful activities add to Onam's celebratory spirit. Women perform Thiruvathirakali, while PuliKali and Pookalam dances are held in front courtyards to welcome King Mahabali. Other cultural events such as Kummattikali and Vallamkali (Boat Race) also take place during this period.

During this time, Kerala observes Onam as ‘Tourist Week’, attracting thousands of domestic and international visitors who come to experience and engage in the festivities.

All these elements contribute to making Onam one of Kerala's most significant & cherished festivals.


What is the significance of the Onam festival?

Onam is a harvest festival celebrated in Kerala, marking the homecoming of the legendary King Mahabali.

When is Onam celebrated?

Onam is celebrated in the month of Chingam, corresponding to August or September in the Gregorian calendar.

What are the main highlights of Onam celebrations?

Key highlights include the grand feast, traditional dances like Thiruvathirakali, and the famous boat races.

What is the legend of King Mahabali associated with Onam?

According to legend, King Mahabali visits Kerala during Onam, symbolizing prosperity and unity among the people.

How long does the Onam festival last?

The festival lasts for ten days, with Atham marking the beginning and Thiruvonam as the most significant day.