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Discover Shri Adhi Narayana Perumal Temple: Unique Vishnu on Garuda, Mythical Origins, and Spiritual Remedies

Temple's Peculiarity

In a charming corner of Thiruvarur district rests the Shri Adhi Narayana Perumal temple. Here, Lord Vishnu is uniquely depicted riding on Garuda, his celestial vahana. Unlike other temples where Vishnu might be seated or standing, this one shows him on a divine mission to save a disciple. Beyond its spiritual aura, the temple boasts traditional architecture and stunning sculptures.

A Bit of Myth

Picture this: long ago, Sage Bruhu was deep in meditation among Vanni trees. Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered by the loud sounds of a Chola king hunting a lion. Disturbed, the sage cursed the king to bear a lion’s face - talk about instant karma! Regretting his intrusion, the king sought a solution and was advised to bathe in the Vettraru River (also known as Vruddha Cauvery) & pray to Perumal at this very temple. Thankfully, it worked and he regained his human features. To this day, people born under Mrigashirsha nakshatra find this spot particularly sacred.

Why Visit?

Those struggling with bad planetary alignments or seeking blessings for children often come here. It's also a hotspot for folks hoping for an early marriage or dealing with various doshas (like snake or bird-related troubles). And if you’re grappling with skin issues, enemy threats, family discord or recurring sad events in your family—particularly regarding health—this temple’s soothing vibes might help you find peace & joy. Making a pilgrimage here during Pournami days (full moon) or special Mrigashirsha star days is believed to be extra beneficial.

Open Doors

The temple welcomes visitors each evening from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Special Note:

Regular visits are said to alleviate suffering and bless devotees with serenity and happiness.

Getting There

Nestled in Enkan city, just about 14 km from central Tiruvarur.

Bus : Hop on at Thiruvarur main bus stand; it’ll get you there efficiently.

Train : Catch a ride from Thanjavajur’s station and grab a bus or taxi from there.

Air : Trichy international airport is pretty close by!

So why not take a little trip? Come feel the positivity & maybe leave just a bit lighter than you arrived!