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Explore the Historic Charm of Fort St. George Church in Chennai

St. Mary’s church

This charming church is tucked away in Fort St. George, located in Chennai which is the heartbeat of Tamil Nadu. Styled after British design, it stands as one of the oldest buildings in India dubbed the “Westminster Abbey of East”. It's really a sight to behold, showcasing rich history and culture within its ancient walls.

So here’s a little story for you:

Back in the day (we're talking about 1678!), Sir StreynsHam Master from the East India Company felt that Chennai needed a chapel. Starting on Lady Day, March 25th, he kicked off construction. Fast forward to October 28th, 1680, and voila! The building was ready – impressive, right? It’s like they built it overnight! During the Second Carnatic War between 1758 & 1759, this sturdy church with its bomb-proof roof doubled as barracks and a storage spot for grain.

Let’s chat about its design:

The blueprint might have been dreamt up by Edward Foule or William Dixon – both master gunners at Fort St. George. This architectural gem features two broad aisles leading to a striking focal point that extends about 12 feet forming a sanctum (fancy word for a sacred place). Near this central point sits a spacious gallery supported by sturdy Burma teak pillars—once the cool hangout spot for the Governor. Oh! And they added some snazzy staircases in 1761 to jazz things up.

Jumping to 1884: they gave the place a little face-lift. They tweaked the gallery & even plopped on a new building. The tower that pops up at one end wasn't part of the original plan but was added later around the close of the 18th century per Sir John Goldsborough's orders. The steeple? That came with the dawn of the 19th century along with two handy vestries.

Peeking inside:

It’s pretty spacious – about 86 feet wide & 56 feet deep with outside walls nearly 4 feet thick. These chunky walls help protect against attacks & probably some eavesdropping too. A standout feature is definitely its bomb-proof ceiling—also about 4 feet thick.

Altar & Churchyard scoop:

Center stage at the altar features an unsigned painting depicting The Last Supper believed to mimic Raphael's style—and it has quite a story involving British troops! Originally there were no graves around when it first got built. Those who passed away rested initially in what was basically a guava orchard next door to where the governor chilled out. Eventually, due to concerns over space & respectability, burials moved to an island's north-west side.

Big events:

Oh yes—a lot happens here! From weddings like that of Robert Clive from St.George and Elihu Yale (yup, that Yale!) who donated Big bucks to start Yale University stateside; this spot has seen it All—joyous occasions and sad goodbyes marked by elegant memorial plaques and monuments. One famous bird artist named Elizabeth Gwillim also rests here now.

Getting there isn't tricky at all:

By flight- If you’re winging into town: Chennai airport is about 21km away.

By train- Prefer tracks? Chennai Central Station is super close at just about 3km distance.

By road- Driving over? Great roads connect from surrounding cities straight To Fort St George!

Isn’t history just thrilling? Come check out this historic jewel when you’re around!