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Holi - Festivals of Maharashtra

Holi - Maharashtra

Festival of colors, though celebrated worldwide, has got a special significance in Maharashtra is Holi celebrations. Holi is a vibrant festival spreading happiness and joy everywhere crossing the barriers of age, gender and religion.

The festival Holi is celebrated based on the ancient historic references. Legend says, the demon king Hiranyakashyap compelled each of his citizens to worship and banned them from worshipping God. But he could not succeed in his attempt with his son Prahlada who was an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu. To divert him from worshipping the God and dilute his attention to such spiritual deeds, Hiranyakashyap took the help of his sister Holika who was blessed with a boon of coming out of burning fire without getting hurt.

Hiranyakashyap directed her to take his son on her lap while entering into the burning fire. Forgetting the fact that she can come out alive only when she enters into the fire alone, Holika attempts to kill the young boy. But her evil deed ruined her with the grace of Lord Narayana who saved Prahlad. This event is celebrated as Holi symbolizing the victory of good over evil, an eternal fact reinstated every year.

Holi falls during Phalguni month every year and lasts for two days. This year, the festival starts on 28th March and ends on 29th March, 2021. First day of Holi festival is called as Chotti Holi or Holika Dahan. On this day, the effigies of Holika is burnt symbolizing the evil being eradicated and victory always triumphs. The second day is called Rangwali Holi and the day is so vibrant and colorful. Young women splash colors on men and the entire region becomes so colorful with range of busting colors everywhere.

Holi was predominantly a festival celebrated among the fishermen community in Maharashtra. But the festival has evolved as a popular one among people of all sects across the country and in recent years, there is a widespread popularity for the festival in European countries as well. Be a part of this colorful festival during your trip to Maharashtra.