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Discover the Timeless Legacy of Thirunageshwaram Temple, a Sacred Navagraha Shrine

Thirunageshwaram Raghu Temple

Temple History

Have you ever heard about a really old temple? Well, this Temple has been hanging around since forever! Built by the Chola kings way back when, it's pretty special. The main god here is Lord Shiva, and he showed up all on his own – fancy sculptors needed. Over the years, lots of kings and queens added bits to the temple during their time in charge.

There’s this cool story too! Once upon a time, a saint named Suseelar had a son who was troubled by a Celestial serpent called Dakkagan (That's Lord Raghu for you!). So what did Suseelar do? He cursed him to become a human! After tons of hard work praying to Lord Shiva at Thirunageshwaram, Dakkagan turned back from his curse. And because this happened right here, this spot got e sacred.

Greatness of Temple:

This isn't just any temple – it’s one of the Navagraha Temples where people come to see Lord Raghu. People think he's a big deal because he brings riches & good luck. You’ll see folks dropping by all year with dark violet clothes and cereals to ask for his protection from bad vibes.

Temple Speciality:

Guess what? Here Lord Raghu looks just like us - A human! With his two consorts beside him, he’s known to help out anyone going through tough times astrologically. There’s this magical part during ceremonies – when they pour milk over the idol, it turns blue! Yep, still happens. While you’re there, you can also pop over to see Lord Naganathaswamy & Goddesses Lakshmi and Saraswathi.


Big days here include when Rahu changes zodiac signs every 18 months or so; people party hard asking him to keep them safe. Other biggies are Mahasivaratri and Panguni Uthiram among others. They even have special prayers during Rahu Kaalam every Sunday!

How to Reach?

By RoadThirunageshwaram is just a quick 6km east of Kumbakonam.

By RailHop off at Kumbakonam station; then maybe catch a ride from Tanjore or stick around Kumbakonam.

By AirGot less than two hours? Fly into Trichy and you’re almost there!

Nearby Tourist Attractions:Check out more temples in Trichy ,Tanjore, & Kumbakonan while you're around.

Opening time:Doors open bright & early at 6 AM till 8:30 PM

They close up from 12.45 PM until 4 PM.

Special note (Timings):Don’t miss out on those special Sunday ceremonies between 4:30 pm to 6 pm during Raghukaalam!